On the coast in summer, you have endless possibilities to practice leisure activities with family or friends. Between baths and beaches, why not try fishing? A fishing session is an excellent opportunity to discover or rediscover the fascinating world of the sea, for the little ones and the not so small ones. It is not necessary to be an expert to fish your first fish or collect mollusks. Simple material, a bit of curiosity and good advice will suffice. If you have decided to fish from the shore with a rod or discover the underwater life on the beach, we give you some tips to enjoy on the seashore. 


Surely during the holidays you have seen fishermen who take advantage of the benefits of the sea and its wonderful landscapes. Have you ever wondered how you fish and what material do you need? You can fish your first fish from the seashore with simple and affordable techniques for everyone. 

The most appropriate fishing to start from the shore is the fishing of small fish. It is a simple method that can be practiced anywhere, with which you will fish the small fish that line the coast and spend good times with family or friends. It is also an excellent way to initiate children in the practice of fishing and respect for nature. 

The technique of fishing to the coup is by far the easiest to start. You will only need a set ready to fish formed by a rod of 3 or 4 meters with a line mounted and some earthworms to fish small fish. It also takes a box of leads to adjust the weight of the assembly if necessary. If you want to fish more than 5 meters from the shore, you can use a set with a reel. 


Fish must always be returned to the water with the best chance of survival. To do this, handle the fish gently and remove the hook delicately. If you crush the beard of the hook it will be easier to unhook the fish. Wet your hands so that the contact is more respectful with the fish. Then, do not throw it in the water, dip it delicately in the water and wait for it to go. 
If the fish does not swim out, help it recover by providing oxygen with forward and backward movements. 

Use a floating reconciles to conserve the fish in the best conditions. You can take a picture of all the pieces that you have caught and they will swim without difficulties when you release them.


The immensity of the sea can be a problem when you have to choose the right place to fish. Fortunately, to start fishing with family or friends, you will find fishing posts near where you spend your holidays. In the ports, dykes and rocky coasts there is abundant food and the fish do not hesitate to approach to eat. Shrimp, crabs, worms ... the list of delicacies found by fish is long. Choose these positions to fish.  


In fishing, as in life, respect is paramount. A respectful behavior on the shore makes it easier for other fishermen to be willing to help you if you need it. Here are some basic rules to enjoy fishing: 

1- Do not place yourself next to another fisherman. Maintain a respectful distance of approximately ten meters. 

2-Never throw anything near the line of a fisherman. Throw in any other more suitable place ...

3-Do not throw the line next to another fisherman. Besides that it can be entangled, it is a lack of respect. 

4- If you fish in a port, pay attention to the boats. If you throw too close to the boats, you could give them and get entangled with the ropes. Start in clear areas. 

5-The coast belongs to everyone and must be respected. Check that there is nothing left on the ground (hooks, debris, etc.), during or after the fishing session. 


The banks are the habitat of a great diversity of living beings, such as mollusks, shrimps and crabs. Fishing on foot is an ideal activity to discover underwater life with children. On holidays, this modality is practiced along the entire coast. It is important to respect good practices (regulation, catch sizes) so that this fishing can continue to be practiced in a sustainable manner. 

On the Atlantic coast, fishing on foot is practiced at low tide, when the coastline is discovered. We can differentiate several fishing zones according to the bottom and the species that are found. 

On the sandy surfaces that are visible when the tide is low there are abundant mollusks, such as cockles, knives, tellinas... The large stretches of beach are very easy to access. For this reason they are especially suitable for fishing with children, unlike rocks, where they could be damaged. 

Among the rocks live many crustaceans and also fixed mollusks such as mussels and oysters. Look for signs of life in every corner (holes, rocks, cavities ...). 

In the muddy areas, of great ecological wealth, life boils and there are many molluscs, crustaceans and small fish. Put on boots, it is easy to sink in the mud, which makes movement difficult. 
In the Mediterranean, as there are no tides, it is more difficult to find and collect mollusks. Although it is perfectly possible to find tellinas, clams and even mussels.  


The material must be very simple, so as not to load unnecessarily. A small plastic bucket is perfectly suitable for children to start in this activity. Crabs, shrimps and molluscs can be transported inside the bucket. The children can also easily handle a small light weight lifter with a not very large net.

Among the specialized tools for collecting mollusks, you will find ice axes for oysters, knives and tridents for clams.

If you want to fish shrimp, use a net with a coded in the rocky areas or a bichette in the sandy areas to fish a good amount of crustaceans. 
# Truco Capellan
We recommend that children use polarized glasses to eliminate reflections. So you can discover the incredible wealth that accumulates in a small puddle during the tide.


1- Find out before each fishing session, you must make sure that there are no local or temporary prohibitions. They will inform you in the tourist office, in the town hall, in the port, etc ... 

2- Find out about the tide schedules so you do not get caught by surprise. You will easily find them on the internet, at the nearest tourist office, at the port... 


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